Saturday, January 10, 2015


 by Michelle Nelson for Randy Humphries

No Fortress of Solitude can protect anyone

From an enemy like this;

Insidious, sneaky, shifty and silent.

Uglier than Lex Luthor.

            No secret identity can hide you.

            No phone booth to change you.

No damsel in distress to take your mind off the world's problems.

The definition of a hero

Is not measured by the size of his shield

Or the color of his cape.

A true hero is one who meets a battle like this head on....

            Faster than a speeding bullet,

                        More powerful than a locomotive--

Surrounded by loved ones

From which he gathers his strength.

It's not about winning, or fairness --

But showing the world that good guys can still win.

That the cure can poison your body but it doesn't have to poison your mind.

That a positive attitude and a sense of humor are the best superpowers.

That truth, justice, and the American way still prevails.

Values matter.  Friends matter. 

Toes in the sand matter. 

Chocolate matters.

Daughters dancing, boys sporting and acting and just being boys....matters.

Making memories matters.

Heavenly Father and prayers and faith matter.

Being married to Wonder Woman not only matters, but means more than this world.

            (and you don't need the Lasso of Truth to know THAT)

Because Families Matter.....Forever. 

Sometimes it takes an insurmountable challenge

            Given to ordinary people

                        (like leaping tall buildings with a single bound)

To cause extraordinary things to come to pass.

And not just for them, but for those they have taught or inspired or loved....

Some people have to watch their heroes on TV or in comic books;

But Superman is a personal friend of mine.

And there isn't enough Kryptonite on the planet to make me forget that.

You are a  SUPER  MAN......

You are our hero.


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