Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Heart of the Matter

Composed by Michelle Nelson -- August 27, 2011

One day, I covered up my heart
To hide it out of sight.
So others’ hurtful comments 
Would never cause a blight.

To keep out all the problems
And suffering and woe
I chose the thickest, softest suede
That you could ever sew.

But soon I thought a flaw I’d found
In that perfect cover made
I never knew that fingerprints
Would be so well displayed.

So back to the store my fabric went
How dare they sell such fluff
For to cover one’s heart
  (a precious thing)
One can’t be careful enough.

The clerk was wise beyond His years
And had a tale to tell
For He had seen much suffering
And knew my problems well.

“My child, the heart’s a precious thing,
Created for the soul
But only sweet the gift can be
If shared in common goal.

Each time you gave a service
Each time you played a part
Someone left their fingerprints
Upon your hidden heart.

Then year by year, bit by bit
The cover hid no more
For people saw and people loved
What people knew before.

For hearts are made for touching
And covers cannot hide
The feelings and the memories
From showing up outside.”

I sat in silence at His words
For I’d heard them all before
But something different touched my heart
This time I felt it more.

Without the cover my heart was out
Within the world’s plain view
But suddenly the hurtful things
Had no effect or glue.

For all the touches I’d received
The fingerprints displayed
Fell to my heart and covered it
Far better than that suede.

Fingerprints are beautiful things
They’re friendship’s answer
To angel wings.
The heart is their canvas
The soul is their clay
Thank you for being my friend today.

Your touch on my heart cannot ever be erased.